Sex addiction is characterized by repeatedly seeking or performing sexual behaviors despite negative consequences.
East Bay Recovery Counseling and Personal Growth Center specializes in the treatment of sexual compulsivity and addiction. Sabrina Shane LCSW is certified as a Sex Addiction Therapist by the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and was trained by renown sex addiction expert, Dr. Patrick Carnes.
It is important for you to recognize that you are not alone. If you are in relationship, it is important for your partner to know this as well. Patrick Carnes stated, “Knowing you are a sex addict doesn’t mean you are bad or perverted or hopeless. It means you may have a disease, an obsession from which many have healed.” Facing the facts about sexual addiction will only allow individuals and couples to take the proper steps in the healing process.
Approximately 1 in 10 people in the United States struggle with sexual addiction and a much higher percentage struggle with sexually compulsive behavior.
Sexual addiction is a complex addiction but there is hope! As a
trained Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT®), I have completed training developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes which
required attendance at multiple training modules and supervision with a CSAT Supervisor. It also requires ongoing education so that CSATs such as myself are experts in providing sexual addiction therapy. It is a rigorous process designed to help me best help you.
Learn more about treatment for sex addiction, including an initial(free)sexual addiction screening assessment by visiting IF you are a partner, take the Partner Sexuality Survey .
For service fees, Please refer to THERAPY PACKAGES on RATES page
Signs of Possible Sex Addiction/Compulsivity
- Excessive time searching for and using pornography
- Inappropriate Sexting
- Affairs – Physical and/or emotional
- Excessive time online chatting
- Excessive time spent on masturbation
- Spending 2-4 hours cruising the internet, parks or streets
- Use of strip clubs
- Anonymous sex
- Downloading pornography at work
- Prostitutes or escorts
- Unable to complete tasks due to excessive preoccupation about sex
- Lying to family, friends and co-workers
- Excessively spending money that you don’t have on sex
- Having rituals or ritualized behavior
- Searching for a bigger or better high
- Masturbating or having sex in public
- Feeling tired or low energy from acting out
- Feeling shame and guilt after sexual act
- Sexualizing conversations
- Fantasizing and sexualizing others
- Masturbating to the point of injury
Compulsive sexual behavior can interfere with relationships, while also facilitating legal and financial problems. These behaviors may also cause problems at work or in social settings. Sex addicts use sexual behavior to enhance and alter their mood. Their behavior closely resembles the patterns of alcoholics and drug-addicted clients.
Patterns include:
- a loss of control
- a continuation of the behavior despite adverse consequences such as arrests, broken marriages, & financial problems
- an obsession or preoccupation with obtaining, using, or recovering from sexual acting out behavior (Carnes & Schneider, 2000).
Sex addiction is a way to cope with life stress and intense emotions. Once someone has developed sex addiction, the behavior can escalate. Secrets and lies tend to increase to hide from shame and guilt.
Think you might be a sex addict?
Take this short quiz to determine whether your sexual behaviors involve the components of tolerance, escalation ,and negative consequences we associate with “addiction.”
1. Do you engage in sexual behaviors to a greater extent, or over a longer period of time, than you intended?
2. Have you had more than one unsuccessful effort to reduce or control your sexual behavior?
3. Is significant time lost preparing for, acting-out, and/or recovering from your sexual behavior?
4. Are you frequently preoccupied with preparing for and/or acting-out your sexual behavior?
5. Do you engage in sexual behavior when you have other obligations (work, school, domestic, or social?)
6. Do you give-up or limit your work, social or recreational activities because of your sexual behavior?
7. Do you continue your sexual behavior despite social, financial, physical or psychological problems consequences?
8. Does your sexual behavior have a diminished effect if continued with the same intensity? Do you need to increase the frequency or intensity to achieve the desired effect?
9. Do you become restless or irritable if unable to engage in sexual behavior?
If you’ve answered “yes” to three or more of the above questions, you may have a problem with sexually compulsive behaviors.
Questions adapted from Schneider, J.P. (1991). How to recognize signs of sexual addiction: Asking the right questions may uncover serious problems. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 90(6), 171-182.